Welcome to our Universal Credit calculator

This calculator is for working out Universal Credit for social housing tenants. It is quick and easy to use - if you are unsure of a question just click on the help button next to it. Because it is quick and easy to use it is not suitable for assessing a Universal Credit award for: students, self-employed people, prisoners, people under 18 and people from abroad. The result will only be an estimate: to increase your chances of getting the best estimate please read the information below before using it.

Please note we cannot guarantee accurate results if data has been input without checking the information boxes.

To continue with a previous calculation enter your 5 digit code here:

Otherwise hit the 'Start' button below to get started with a new calculation!

Step 1. About You (and your family)


As you are over the Pension Credit Age you can not claim Universal Credit. You can claim Pension Credit and/or Housing Benefit instead.

All 'mixed age' couples should get advice before making a claim for Universal Credit – they can end up worse off. And, even after the change to the rules from 15th May 2019, some mixed age couples can still make new claims for Pension Credit and/or Housing Benefit and may not need to claim Universal Credit.

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Please make a claim for Housing Benefit to help you pay any rent.
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(if your ESA award included a WRAG/Support component then answer yes to this question)
If you are not sure please contact the DWP to find out.
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If you are not sure please contact the DWP to find out.
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(if their ESA award included a WRAG/Support component then answer yes to this question)
If you are not sure please contact the DWP to find out.
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If you are not sure please contact the DWP to find out.
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We will assess your entitlement on the basis that you are not entitled to a Managed Migration Transitional Element.
  • Disability Living Allowance / Child Disability Payment, or
  • Personal Independence Payment / Adult Disability Payment, or
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment, or
  • Constant Attendance Allowance, or
  • Attendance Allowance
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Note: If their partner's UC award currently includes a Transitional SDP Element then this will end.
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Severe Disability Premium

Entitlement to the Severe Disability Premium is based on three factors:

  1. Receiving a 'qualifying' disability benefit ie daily living component of Personal Independence Payment / Adult Disability Payment, mid or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance, Armed Forces Independence Payment, constant Attendance Allowance (or Attendance Allowance),
  2. Not living with:^
    • a non-disabled^^ partner, or
    • a non-disabled^^ non-dependant or
    • Living as a non-dependant with a non-disabled^^ tenant/home owner,
    • ^^where the person they are living with is not themselves getting a 'qualifying' disability benefit, and
  3. Nobody is getting paid* Carer’s Allowance or has the Carer Element# included in an award of UC for looking after the claimant.

^ The Regulation actually says 'normally resides with' - so if it is not the claimant's normal home then they should not be seen as 'normally residing' there.

* Sometimes a carer may be entitled to Carers Allowance, claims it but does not receive a payment of it because of the 'overlapping benefit rules'. It is often still worth them claiming CA - as having an underlying entitlement to it can mean more IB-JSA, IR-ESA, IS, HB. And having an underlying entitlement does not cause a problem for the SDP.

# Carers can get a Carer Element in a UC award even when they are not getting paid any Carers Allowance - this would still mean that the disabled person they are looking after would not qualify for the Severe Disability Premium.

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Severe Disability Premium

Entitlement to the Severe Disability Premium is based on three factors:

  1. Receiving a 'qualifying' disability benefit ie daily living component of Personal Independence Payment / Adult Disability Payment, mid or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance, Armed Forces Independence Payment, constant Attendance Allowance (or Attendance Allowance),
  2. Not living with:^
    • a non-disabled^^ partner, or
    • a non-disabled^^ non-dependant or
    • Living as a non-dependant with a non-disabled^^ tenant/home owner,
    • ^^where the person they are living with is not themselves getting a 'qualifying' disability benefit, and
  3. Nobody is getting paid* Carer’s Allowance or has the Carer Element# included in an award of UC for looking after the claimant.

^ The Regulation actually says 'normally resides with' - so if it is not the claimant's normal home then they should not be seen as 'normally residing' there.

* Sometimes a carer may be entitled to Carers Allowance, claims it but does not receive a payment of it because of the 'overlapping benefit rules'. It is often still worth them claiming CA - as having an underlying entitlement to it can mean more IB-JSA, IR-ESA, IS, HB. And having an underlying entitlement does not cause a problem for the SDP.

# Carers can get a Carer Element in a UC award even when they are not getting paid any Carers Allowance - this would still mean that the disabled person they are looking after would not qualify for the Severe Disability Premium.

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No LCWRA Element can be included until you provide a fit note and then only after the 3 month 'relevant period'.
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No LCWRA Element can be included until your partner provides a fit note and then only after the 3 month 'relevant period'.
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Where someone is getting paid Carers Allowance or a Carer Element in a UC award for looking after the claimant then they are not entitled to a Severe Disability Premium, therefore we have assumed that they will not be entitled to the Transitional SDP Element when assessing their UC entitlement.
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Your Children

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Please give details of each dependent child below.

Date of Birth Gender On DLA/PIP/Sight Problems Enhanced Disability Own Room due to Disabilities
No Dependent Children
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Please give details of each non-dependant child below.

Date of Birth Gender Own Room due to Disabilities
No Non-Dependant Children

Help With Rent

Note: Rent includes lodger charges, 'use and occupation' charges and 'permission to occupy' charges BUT does not include rent paid by a non-dependant to their parent.
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Note: if they have a joint tenancy but the joint tenant is no longer living in the property please answer 'No'
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The DWP may say that you have an 'untidy tenancy' - you should still get 100% of your rent covered and if living in social housing could be excluded from the Bedroom Tax. Please see website for more information.
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Note: Count a couple as one joint tenant. The DWP may split the rent differently, ie divide the total rent between all the joint tenants (even those that are a couple). You can request that the rent is split differently if this is more appropriate.
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You don't need to answer this section as you are not liable for any rent payments.
You don't need to answer this section if you are living in Specified Accommodation.
You don't need to answer this section if you are living in Temporary Accommodation.

Your Benefits


Earnings From Work

NOTE: Special rules apply if you are self-employed and have been trading for 12 months or more.

Your Partner's Benefits


Your Partner's Earnings From Work

NOTE: Special rules apply if they are self-employed and have been trading for 12 months or more.
£ You must answer this question


IF able to claim UC due to manage migrating onto UC from Tax Credits and the Transitional Capital Disregard applies then put £16,000 if actual savings above this.

Please note: Some savings/captial are disregarded - please see website for full list.

If you have savings totalling more than £16,000 you are not eligible for Universal Credit.
UNLESS able to claim due to manage migrating onto UC from Tax Credits and the Transitional Capital Disregard applies.

Non-Dependant Household Members

If you share your home with someone who is not your partner, a dependent child, a lodger/boarder, or joint tenant, your Universal Credit award may be reduced under 'non-dependant' rules. Non-dependants are often people like grown up sons and daughters and other relatives.

NOTE: Count non-dependant couples as two people
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Please enter the number of people living with you for each of the following criteria (each non-dependant should only fit into one category).

Please give details of each non-dependant below.

No Non-Dependants

Exclusion from Shared Accommodation Rate

You don't need to answer this section since you are not liable for any rent payments.

Benefit Cap

£ You must answer this question

Please review your answers as detailed below:

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